
Searching for Work:

A lot of recruitment only takes place a few months before a season starts. The start date for every resort varies depending on the conditions that each resort experiences. Sometimes a resorts season may start in September, in other places it may not start until December. For Alpine resorts it is probably good to start looking for work around July. However, many employers require staff throughout the season due to high staff turnovers so if you would like to turn up and search you are likely to be successfull. Accommodation can be expensive to pay for while you look.

Affordable accommodation is often the most difficult thing to find in a resort unless you find a company that provides you with it as part of your pay. By example, Queenstown in New Zealand is almost impossible to find cheap accommodation around the start of June when the ski slopes are about to open. Just before and just after this time finding accommodation is fine.

Types of Work:
The kind and amount of work availiable depends on the the ski resort and its culture. For example, Chalet hosting jobs are abundant in the French Alps, where as bar work or waitering/waitressing is abundant in Andorra. To give an idea of the kinds of jobs you could look for, there are hotel jobs, jobs with lift companies, ski hire/repair, nannying, ski instructing and guiding, airport transfers and many others.

The internet has an abundance of opportunities available. Many companies advertise jobs on the net and also there are a couple of agiencies that can place you in work. A simple search on "Winter jobs" or "Seasonal Work" will bring you loads of information. If you are interested in Chalet Hosting, a lot of companies will ask you to provide a weeks menu plan. Otherwise, Snowline and VIP don't require one as they have their own people who write the plan and you get taught everything you need to know when you join the company. See the links page. If you decide to fly by the seat of your pants, you can head out with the intention of finding work when you get there. In the first few weeks of the seasonthere are always lots of jobs available. Make sure you have enough cash to survive 2 or 3 weeks.

Searching for Work
Useful Links
A Day in the Life of a Chalet Host
